Thanks for giving us some read aloud / laugh aloud goodness to read in the car. We too had a Jonas is France... His name was Jacques, his sphere was more medically oriented, and he too represented everything that was right about European living. And he took the physical form of a well toned beauty with a man bun. Swoon.

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Jacques! Man bun! ❤️ Bless helpful civil servants.

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YES I've been waiting for this!!! Having a hectic day but as soon as I saw this I stopped everything I was doing, sat my ass down, and delighted in the Berger updates <3

And that Photoshop job in the lede photo is horrendous.

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Sep 20·edited Sep 20

Reading this has been the highlight of my day! I fall in into these categories: (1) you know me and love me, and (2) I know and love you and I think you might like it. I wish I fell into this category, too: "you were subscribed to Bergers on the Road" <--- seems like a missed opportunity!!! Miss your beautiful face and our fun antics

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That photo at the top is terrifying

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